RBO, an African non-governmental media organisation based in Harare, Zimbabwe, was the medium through which a South-North, South-South dialogue had begun to be achieved, with RBO acting as the "bridge" between various cultures of the two hemispheres. The development in Zimbabwe forced a freeze on all of RBO's operations.
However, RBO and its Editor offer — through Internet — advice and assistance for emerging media entrepreneurs in the South ...
RBO war eine afrikanische, unabhängige Medien-Organisation mit Sitz in Harare, Simbabwe. RBO war das Medium, durch das ein Dialog zwischen Süd und Nord und zwischen Süd und Süd begonnen hatte, mit RBO als "Brücke" zwischen den verschiedenen Kulturen der beiden Hemisphären. Die Entwicklung in Zimbabwe machte ein Einfrieren aller Operationen RBO's im Lande erforderlich. Doch RBO und ihr Chefredakteur offerieren — über das Internet — weiterhin Rat und Unterstützung für Medien-Aktivisten der Südwelt ...
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Practices and Challenges
of German and International Media Development Cooperation

02./03.11.2010 – Schloss Eichholz / Cologne / Germany, organized by:

forum medien und entwicklung / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

"They use their money to buy us!"... continue by clicking right >>>
Neun Thesen zur entwicklunspolitischen Förderung von Medien

— just in English because professional storytellers want to be understood widely
— nur auf Englisch,
weil sich professionelle Geschichtenerzähler in dieser Sprache verständigen
Plädoyer für ein anderes Korrespondieren ...
... statt "Häppchen"-Journalismus Brückenbauen für authentische Stimmen!
Cultural Exchange via Internet — Opportunities and Strategies
Forum of the House of World Cultures, Berlin, 12 October - 4 December, 1998
Radio als Demokratie-Einübung
KJS war von 1985 bis 1988 für die Bonner Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Leiter eines Projektes,
das bei der Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation eine Bildungsradiostation einrichtete
"Statt Trommeln ... Bildungsrundfunk im südlichen Afrika"
Zwei Videos über Aufbau und Praxis des ZBC-Radio4-Projekts produziert von FES-Technik-Berater Wolfgang Möller

jeweils 45 Minuten
Case Study of the Development Through Radio Project
The Communication Initiative Network - July 22, 2003
prepared & presented by Klaus Juergen Schmidt, Senior Media Advisor / SES
Cambodia Communication Institute, Royal University of Phnom Penh
mission: 09.05. - 09.06.2005
Two examples of RBO's pioneering approach
to bridge cultures and to break language-barriers within Africa
in an effort to provide education to people by focussing on their own experiences:


RBO produced in October & November 1996 a series of 8 x 15-minute episodes titled "MAKING IT WORK" about use of appropriate technology, on ZBC (Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation) Radio 4, which was also aired in different language versions in Botswana, Kenya and Ethiopia. Episodes in this series were used as a method of informing policy-makers by identifying and assessing the demand for sustainable technical solutions in various sectors of the developing economies in East and Southern Africa. The programs were researched on the spot and produced in RBO's Harare-studios in English, Shona and Kiswahili. They were designed to sensitize the rural and urban poor to the existence, availability and applicability of appropriate technologies. The series also constructed a forum for the cross-fertilisation of ideas from around the region through an introduction in each episode of a technology and its usage in individual countries of the region.
This is RBO's most successful multimedia-production, still downloaded by users worldwide every other day.
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Another 24-episode series about community-based management of natural resources called "Kuchengetedza Zviwanikwa" - "LIVING IDEAS" has been aired on Radio 2 of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation in 1998, with overvoiced versions in other African languages simultaneously on air in Botswana, Zambia and Namibia. This series had the objective of passing on knowledge to the grassroots about community-based natural resources management by illustrating various community initiatives and their benefits. Rural communities from a variety of countries in the Southern African region were provided with a chance to exchange ideas and experiences so that they could learn from each other. The radio series covered issues like traditional knowledge and practice, issues of legislation, capacity building, and community participation.
This multimedia-production involved, over a period of 6 months, co-operation of 8 RBO-interns from 4 African countries coupled with 7 interns from Germany.
... more


Participate: RBO-Manual for "Voices from the South"
— with audio-stories for download ...

Mitmachen: RBO-Anleitung für "Stimmen des Südens"
mit Audio-Geschichten zum Herunterladen ... mehr
Access to a growing range of sophisticated communication software, free of charge or at low cost, allows people around the world to use the Internet individually as a medium to interact with each other. They are able to share and to exchange information, they can talk to and see each other. However, the majority of the world’s population is disconnected from this mode of communication, especially in rural areas. At best, they may perceive their view of the world through their local radio station. A battery run radio is their window to the world. Connectivity is the privilege of people participating in Northern dominated economies, whether in the North itself or in urban centres of the South. The emergence of cellphone-services (e.g. "twitter") as fast and mobile tools of communication in a world of urban-based political and social upheaval seems to have triggered a new interest of international (Northern) media-agencies to support training in the efficient use of this technology. There are already a good number of calls for respective international workshops and conferences. This trend may, unfortunately, perpetuate "the tragedy of expanded communication and diminishing dialogue" because storytelling is something else than microblogging with not more than 140 characters.   If a wider scope of local and international community is to be involved, 4 major factors need to be addressed:

> You have to bridge cultural differences

> You have to break language barriers

> You have to make the content accessible to an audience without connectivity

> You have to make such a regular event sustainable

"... We support and encourage the emergence and development of the Internet in Africa as a media free of government interference and control in the context of a pluralistic and independent press. ..."
  How it all began

In July 1997, the London-based Panos Institute and the Panafrican News Agency organized a seminar entitled "The Internet: An Opportunity for the African Media?", held in Dakar (Senegal). Radio Bridge Overseas (RBO), represented by its Editor, helped to draft the decisive "Dakar-Declaration":

read the full text online

What happened next

International NGO’s and charity organisations dictated the agenda, however generous their intent may have been, regarding broadcasters in Africa. The latter rarely took advantage of the opportunity as offered by the Internet – to tell the world their own stories from their own perspectives. Instead, the following list of topics is addressed, obviously recommended and sponsored by foreign donors:
– AIDS/HIV – human rights – elections – advocacy work – good governance – civil society – environment – sustainable development – gender/children – news & events.
Such content, determined exclusively by foreign well-wishers, was not what we had in our mind when we drafted the "Dakar-Declaration". As it turned out, perhaps only two media-houses tried to grasp the opportunity, to provide African storytellers with a chance to identify and to tell the world their own stories: "Channel Africa" in post-apartheid South Africa, and "Radio Bridge Overseas" in Zimbabwe. Due to political back-lashes in both countries, such efforts have ceased to exist. ...
... but here comes a new approach. Take it up!
RBO-Proposal for Partners in Africa and/or Asia
... especially, for women rights!


RBO's DECLARATION RBO's DEKLARATION         Introducing Radio Bridge Overseas
The RBO Story Die RBO-Geschichte         RBO-Programme-Development
RBO-Programme-Archive RBO-Programm-Archiv         RBO-Voices from the South RBO-Stimmen aus dem Süden
RBO-Bridge Africa-Europe RBO-Brücke Afrika-Europa         RBO SPECIAL: "Nick Perkins: IN SEARCH OF AFRICA"
RBO in der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum         RBO in der Presse
Das Praktikanten-Programm bei RBO         RBO-Praktikanten berichten: Bea Schallenberg / Olaf Krems
RBO at EXPO2000 RBO bei der EXPO2000         "They use their money to buy us!"
KJS über RBORadio Bremen, 10. Januar, 2001
        Dirk Asendorpf: "Das Afrikabild in den deutschen Medien"


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  FES-Mission in Zimbabwe: Aufbau einer Radiostation (1985 - 1988)
SES-Mission in Cambodia: A Guide to Local Radio (2005)  


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