Author: Tariro Makanga


Author: Gift Musarurwa






Autorin: Tariro Makanga


Autor: Gift Musarurwa


"As we drove our Land Rover through Mali’s Sahel region, we frequently glimpsed mosques shaped like sand castles rising from the savanna. Their stark, mud walls contrasted with elegant interiors carpeted with gorgeous rugs and filled with men wearing billowing robes of deep blue, orange, and pink." Denise Rocco



Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
CCAS Statement After September 11 Attacks

Gaddafi, Mugabe in terror probe
Thursday 11 October, 2001
During his Harare visit, Gaddafi called on an Indian Muslim Group to declare a jihad and throw the whites out of the country. IAA report that Gaddafi also said that if they did not do so, he would be forced to bring in "strong-arm elements from Pagad, with which he told them he had close links"

Radio Aghany
Welcome to the First Arabic MP3 {aghany} site on the net, this site contains the best songs recorded at the highest CD quality. We started the Arabic MP3 music revolution on the net, and with every day the site becomes more popular, our responsibility to our listeners increases. Now, you can listen to your favorite Arabic songs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over our Live Internet Radio Station. And you can win Arabic CDs if you guess the song in The Arabic Song Contest. Enjoy, and thank you for all the support you show all the time.

Farrakhan's World Friendship Tour stops in Egypt
Peace mission to North Africa / December 1997

Der Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland
"Der Bombenkrieg gegen das seit Jahrzehnten geschundene Afghanistan hat das Elend der dortigen Bevölkerung in bisher unvorstellbarem Maße vergrößert. Zunehmend werden Frauen und Kinder, Alte und Kranke Opfer der täglich sich steigernden Angriffe. Der Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland (ZMD) und viele friedens- und freiheitsliebende Menschen in der Welt sind um den Erhalt beider Werte besorgt. Wir rufen deswegen alle Muslime auf, die gewaltfreien Bemühungen um den Frieden tatkräftig durch Organisation und Teilnahme an Friedensdemonstrationen, -kundgebungen, -gebeten und -mahnwachen zu unterstützen. Die Friedensbotschaft sollte durch ein emotionsfreies friedliches Auftreten der Muslime verdeutlicht werden; sie darf durch Hass und Hetze gegen andere nicht verfälscht werden."

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To view reflections on the September 11th event by Jim Garrison of the State of the World Forum
click here

  Leonard Cohen's writing on the Wall

Radio Bridge Overseas would like to request from you personal comments with regard to the lyrics of Cohen's song "First We Take Manhattan", published in 1986/7 and somehow foreseeing such terrible events as they happened now in New York:

• What are your ideas about the meaning of those lines?
• How do you explain the roots for the hate which were caught in the cry of an individual marked "by this birthmark on my skin"?
• Almost 15 years later, what are your reflections when you watch the horror on the TV-screen?
• What would be your message today as sort of advice for both sides of this frontline?
... and there are more questions with regard to the great argument:
is a poem inherently political? Or does a poem with political intent cease to be poem? become rhetoric?

Click here to get more information and to communicate your thoughts