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Bertolt Brecht
Towards a Multimedia-Bridge Africa-Europe
International Conference, Loccum - Germany
22-24 June 2001
RADIO BRIDGE OVERSEAS won the "1994 Global Award for Media Excellence" during the UN-World Population Conference in Cairo for "Best Radio Program in fostering support to solve the world population crisis through a demonstrated commitment to share ideas, knowledge, and experience towards the ultimate objective to reduce excessive population growth and creating a better life for all the world's people."  
RADIO BRIDGE OVERSEAS received in 2000 this Award from the "Life in Africa Foundation". The Life in Africa Foundation was founded in Uganda in 1999, in order to harness the power of the Internet to foster an increased international understanding of Africa and African people, and to make a lasting impact - through supporting microfinance in Africa - on the lives of ordinary African people who face extraordinary life challenges every single day.  
RADIO BRIDGE OVERSEAS was registered as a "Worldwide Project" of the world exhibition EXPO 2000, and was recipient of a gold medal.

Bei der Weltausstellung EXPO 2000 erhielt RADIO BRÜCKE ÜBERSEE als registriertes "Weltweites Projekt" eine Goldmedaille.
und das Afrikabild in den deutschen Medien
in deutschen Zeitungen