Anchor & Hope © KJS 2005  


This evening, all three went for a walk down to the river Lea where, just ten minutes away, the "Anchor & Hope" seemed to be the right port to call in for a beer. Gertrud discovered an abandoned glass-container with "pickled eggs". After having consumed a couple of them, she needed some more pints of ale, which — on their belated way home — causes her to stumble. Lainet, ever prepared to stretch out a helping hand, stumbles too — the obstacle being a small vehicle hanging precariously at the embankment of the river. Whilst Burombo identifies it as a battery-driven wheelchair, Gertrud’s vision is obscured by a body in front of her, dipping head-on into the river’s water.

When beams of floodlights, erected by police and ambulance, illuminate the scenery, it becomes easy to identify the origin of the accident’s victim. He is wearing an old-fashioned scarlet coat. It is the type of uniform which army-pensioners of the "Royal Hospital Chelsea" are dressed in during official occasions...

The victim as seen last time by tourists
when he left Chelsea

... But how would a retired ex-officer from a protected environment of a medieval hospice at the other side of London end up at this part of the city where immigrants from all over the Commonwealth have found refuge? Why did he wear his official uniform, and did he indeed fall victim to an accident?


Being a Chelsea Pensioner
Chelsea Pensioners are permitted to wear civilian clothes outside the Royal Hospital and Pensioners can come and go as they please. Within the Royal Hospital and around, Chelsea Pensioners are encouraged to wear a practical blue uniform. On all official occasions they wear the famous scarlet coats, complemented for ceremonial events by tricorne hats.
When in Scarlet, Chelsea Pensioners are immediately recognisable and are an important part of the London scene. Many home and overseas tourists like to stop, talk and admire the uniform, many even want to take a photo!


Chelsea Pensioners meet an amazing range of people both inside and outside the Royal hospital. Pensioners are invited and are guests of honour at many events, ceremonies and Royal occasions.
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