"To understand Indonesia
in a better Way"

A project in the making ...

... with trouble ahead?

Indonesia-consultant Manfred Oepen in a mail to KJS about recent media-development in Indonesia:

"Radio almost down to insignificance, TV- and print-media occupied by BigBusiness and party politicians, rocket-like rise of social media and blogs, especially among young people."

Three principles to be considered:

1. It is for this reason that we, as Radio Bridge Overseas, never opted for a radio-only-approach but always included a multimedia-coverage.

2. In addition, I recommend a grassroot-approach, intending not to further institutional but individual capabilities to communicate cross-culturally, thereby placing at center-stage what people of another culture do want to tell us and not what we want to hear from them.

3. Consequently, we can accept institutions like the former State-Radio of Indonesia and/or academic institutions there and here, for example exchange-programs for university-students as part of their curriculum, however, their agendas should never dominate orientation because of immanent power control.
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