ARCHIVE 067      
Chinua Achebe receives German Peace-Award
Deutscher Friedenspreis für Chinua Achebe

  Der nigerianische Schriftsteller Chinua Achebe erhält in diesem Jahr den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels. Der 71-Jährige gilt als Vater der modernen afrikanischen Literatur. In seinen Büchern beschäftigt er sich mit den Auswirkungen des Kolonialismus in Afrika.

Nigerian novelist and poet CHINUA ACHEBE will receive this year's Peace-Award of the German Booksellers' Trade. Achebe is widely regarded as one of the most important authors writing in English. Since his first novel, Things Fall Apart (1958), he has criticized the impact of European colonizers and missionaries on traditional African society and described the struggles of the African people to achieve political freedom.
  Life & Work of Chinua Achebe
  listen to Chinua Achebe on the Diane Rehm Show (WAMU-FM / U.S.A.) on 22 June 2000, discussing African literature and how it's been influenced by Western culture.