ARCHIVE 008      
After riots in Nigeria:
Miss World show moves to London

Nach Ausschreitungen in Nigeria:
Miss-World-Wahl nach London verlegt
  Beauty queens have arrived in London for this year's Miss World contest after the venue was hastily switched because of violent protests in Nigeria.
The group, which had been in Nigeria for about 10 days, travelled from the capital Abuja on a chartered Boeing 747.

  Further rioting has broken out in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna, despite the decision to abandon the country's attempt to host this year's Miss World beauty contest. More casualties have been reported, and eyewitnesses say security forces have been shooting to try to control a large crowd of demonstrators.
The decision to switch the venue for the competition to London came hours after the rioting - which has claimed more than 100 lives in Kaduna - spread to the capital Abuja, with Muslim youths rampaging through the streets.

  In Nigeria gehen die blutigen Ausschreitungen auch nach der Verlegung der Miss-World-Wahl weiter. Seit den frühen Morgenstunden wird in der Stadt Kaduna im Norden des Landes wieder geschossen, berichteten Augenzeugen. Inzwischen herrsche dort ein regelrechter Straßenkrieg zwischen Christen und Moslems, hieß es. Hunderte Bewohner flüchteten sich vor den mordenden Banden in eine französische Brauerei am südlichen Stadtrand von Kaduna.

  Auch die im kommenden April anstehenden Wahlen in Nigeria heizen das Klima an.

  watch on BBC:
Dela Momodu, editor of Ovation magazine
"We have a history of beauty pageants... some won by muslims"
Miss World riots leave 100 dead
Boykott gegen «Miss-World»-Wahl in Nigeria, oder nicht?
Youths rampage through the streets of Abuja, after 100 people were killed in a northern city in protest at the Miss World beauty contest.
In Kaduna, a heavy security presence has been imposed after protests started by Muslim youths which also left hundreds injured. They began after a newspaper suggested that the Prophet Mohammed would have probably chosen to marry one of the Miss World contestants if he had witnessed the beauty pageant - which Nigeria is hosting.
The contest's organisers said on Friday they intend to go ahead with the event despite the protests.
Im Norden Nigerias sind in der Nacht bei gewaltsamen Unruhen mindestens 100 Menschen getötet und mehrere hundert verletzt worden. Auslöser ist die für den 7. Dezember geplante Wahl der Miss World in Nigeria. Ursprünglich sei die Gewalt von aufgebrachten Moslems ausgegangen, doch nun schlügen die Christen zurück, sagte ein Vertreter des nigerianischen Roten Kreuzes. Am Morgen seien in der nordnigerianischen Stadt Kaduna vereinzelte Schüsse zu hören gewesen, berichteten Augenzeugen. Die Straßen waren menschenleer. Eine bereits gestern verhängte Ausgangssperre über Kaduna wurde bis zur Nacht ausgeweitet.

amnesty international (ai) hat die deutsche Teilnehmerin an den Miss-World-Wahlen in einem Brief über die Menschenrechtssituation in Nigeria, insbesondere über die drohenden Steinigungen von Amina Lawal und anderen Verurteilten, informiert und sie gebeten, bei ihren Auftritten das Thema Menschenrechte anzusprechen.


Die Wahl der "Miss World" muss nach Auffassung der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) trotz der drohenden Steinigung von zum Tode verurteilten Frauen in Nigeria stattfinden. In einem dringenden Appell hat die Menschenrechtsorganisation die Organisatoren und Teilnehmerinnen des in Nigeria geplanten Miss World-Wettbewerbes am Dienstag gebeten, die Gelegenheit zu nutzen und bei diesem weltweiten Medienereignis gegen die Verletzung grundlegendster Menschenrechte zu protestieren.

Nigeria in crisis over Sharia Law

Krise in Nigeria wegen Sharia-Urteilen
The first black African ever to become "Miss World"
Die erste "Miss World" aus Schwarzafrika

BBC / Saturday, 17 November, 2001
Nigerian wins Miss World
Ms Darego was chosen from over 90 contestants
Miss Nigeria has been crowned Miss World 2001, the first black African ever to win the contest.


  NTV / Samstag, 17. November 2001
Die erste "Miss World" aus Schwarzafrika: Agbani Darego. Als erste Schwarzafrikanerin ist die 18-jährige Nigerianerin Agbani Darego zur "Miss World" gewählt worden.

A Reflection of RBO's "Multimedia-Bridge Africa-Europe"


by Olley Maruma


von Olley Maruma

More about RBO-author Olley Maruma and his work as a filmmaker

Radio Bridge Overseas was informed about an earlier African achievement in a global beauty peagant:

"Miss Botswana" who became "Miss Universe" in 1999

Miss Universe 1999:
Mpule Keneilwe Kwelagobe

  "My name is Mpule Keneilwe Kwelagobe and I was borne at the Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone, Botswana on the 14th November 1979. I am now 1.76m tall (5’ 10" for those of you still using the British System!). I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. My other vital statistics are well known to my dress designer but I will keep you guessing!"

"It might seem quite a jump to some of you from Miss Teen 1995 to Miss Botswana 1997. But the beauty pageant scene in Botswana has been in the nascent stage for too many years. On the occasion of my crowning as Miss Botswana in 1997, our President, Q.K.J. Masire (now retired) and the first lady attended for the first time in the 17 years of his presidency. This stamp of approval and acknowledgement of Miss Botswana as an important personage in Botswana Society made a tremendous impact on me."

"Many things have happened in my life since that day. My horizons were first broadened with my experiences at Miss World 1997 in the Seychelles under the tutelage of Maleta Lock and my duties as Miss Botswana during 1997/98 brought me into contact with many people from all walks of life. It was at this time that my involvement with an AIDS project began through the Botswana Council of Women. Our country unfortunately has one of the highest incidences of AIDS worldwide and it is for this reason that I have involved myself in efforts to raise funds for better conditions for those infected with this terrible illness."