Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88

TAZARA ... a journey by rail through world-history © KJS / 2009

„Well, there is a difference between the real circus and the Rockefeller-Circus — pardon — Rockefeller-Centre. In the real one you see tricks without net and double-game, in the latter one it’s the opposite …
It is common knowledge that Mr. Rockefeller’s second-born received the support of ROOM 5600 to climb into the position of New York’s governor, later even into the position of the United States’ vice president. But we want to concentrate on an episode which will direct the spotlight on his time as a political trainee … now, Herr Dunkler, will your directing devices last for a short version?”

„No sapphire-blue lightning. Instead, I could offer to throw burning files through windows as flickering symbols of start and end of a successful PR-mission in the political life of Nelson Rockefeller, doesn’t need electricity by the way — NR in short, okay?”

— tazara — tazara — tazara ...


NR is not thirty when he, as Director of the ‚Creole Petroleum Company‘ would like to find out how control over rich oil-resources of Venezuela and of other Latin American countries could be secured and possibly be extended. His answer: public relations then and there.

1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) receives from NR and collaborating experts of ROOM 5600 and of the Rockefeller-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank a three-page-memorandum. It proposes to found a government agency with the task to counter Nazi-propaganda in Latin America. A presidential advisor advances NR as Head of such an agency which is called from 1940 onwards ‚Coordinatior of Inter-American Affairs‘ (CIAA) or simpler: the ‚Rockefeller Office‘ — the FDR-advisor receives later a loan from NR.

1941, the U.S.A. have not entered the war yet. NR begins to organise pro-Western elites in Venezuela and in Brazil in such a way that they would join a network of prominent Latin American business-people and opinion-leaders influenced by NR’s agency.

After declaration of war, the American tax-authority relieves U.S.-companies from tax-duties for PR-activities in Latin America, which take place in co-operation with the CIAA / Rockefeller-Office. Soon, such PR-commissions establish some 40 % of income for Latin American newspapers and radio stations, which thereby fall under the economic patronage of the CIAA / Rockefeller-Office because this office pays only as long as the owners of the media follow its advice.

NR’s operation in Latin America is supported by the American state with 140 Mio. Dollars over five years and with 1.200 employees within the U.S.A. plus countless freelancing journalists and PR-agents at the spot. The action turns into the biggest propaganda-campaign of the American history until that time. The world gets to know from Latin America what has been hammered out by the blacksmiths of the Rockefeller-media-forge according to its own interest.

NR convinces Washington that he is fighting in Latin America on two frontlines: an economic one and a psychological one — and he receives the green light for secret opinion-screening, developed and realized by no other than America’s prominent social scientist George Gallup. Local spies are hired, dossiers are opened — NR is testing in Latin America a system, which, after the Second World War, will become the model for America’s foreign intelligence service, the CIA.

— tazara — tazara — tazara ...


To fit the occasion, please offer everyone a round of BANANA SPLIT! ...
And we welcome on board the first scientist!
Herr Dr. Jochen Hippler, what is Chiquita?

„Well, chiquita is Spanish and means ‚tiny or cute‘.“

Now, we didn’t call you as a linguist, Herr Dr. Jochen Hippler.

„... In your context, it is, of course, a lingual misinterpretation: Chiquita Brands International is, according to its own public relations, the biggest banana-producer of the world …“

We are getting closer, Herr Dr. Hippler. You are a political scientist?

„At the Institute for development and Peace of the University of Duisburg-Essen in the Federal Republic of Germany. I am freelancing as political advisor and consultant as well ...“

We would like to clarify that you are here voluntarily, not asking for a fee, as you don’t ask for it on this World Wide Web through which we have the pleasure to have you with us … what are your priorities as a political scientist?

„... Political identities of national, ethnic and religious kind in the context of wars and of efforts to democratize societies; inter-cultural dialogue; the Middle East; structural changes within international policies …“

We were told you would be familiar with Latin America as well!

„Well, Chiquita Brands International was founded in 1899 as United Fruit Company, in short: UFC or UFCO.
The United Fruit Company was for decades in Guatemala of decisive significance in political and economic matters. The U.S.-combine exported from Guatemala mainly bananas, it was the biggest landowner and it was monopolizing the country’s railway-network and its only seaport. Apart from additional economic influences, the UFC was traditionally in a position to design the policies of former dictators according to their own interest.
In March 1951, this situation changed. A majority of voters had elected Jacobo Arbenz Guzman who took the president’s office from Juan Jose Arevalo. Arbenz wanted to develop Guatemala into a ‚modern capitalist country‘, meaning: he wanted to change Guatemala’s status as a dependent nation with half-colonial economy into a status of an economically independent country.“

We are establishing: no word of communism?

„Foreign capital was ‚always welcome as long as it would adapt to local conditions, would accept the laws of Guatemala, would co-operate to develop the country’s economy, and would abstain from mingling in the social and political life of the nation.‘
And indeed, Arbenz invested a lot of energy to realize this concept for a ‚modern capitalist country‘. To break the monopoly of the United Fruit Company, which was established, through its port at Puerto Barrios, Arbenz initiated the construction of a seaport to be owned by the state. Another project, the construction of a road to the Atlantic, was endangering the monopoly of the UFC-owned railway-line. The blueprint of a power station, to be operated by the state as well, was set to undercut consumer-prices of the U.S.-controlled monopoly of power-generation.
But the pivotal part of the reform-policy of Arbenz was the envisaged land reform. Property of more than 200 acres were supposed to fall to the state, if it was not used or underutilized, compensation to be accepted in government bonds. Such land was to be distributed to landless peasants.
Now, UFC did not like such development in Guatemala, they were about to loose not only their influence on the policy but also on the framework of economic conditions. From 1950 onwards, UFC was involved in systematic efforts to turn the wheels back. In a first step, the public opinion within the U.S.A. had to be influenced through the media itself but also with regard to decision-making politicians.
Edward Bernays, one of the ‚most tricky Public-Relations-Experts‘, started in 1950 a wide-ranging propaganda-campaign against Guatemala’s government, focussing on the media of the U.S.A. He organized trips of journalists to Guatemala, completely paid for by UFC, getting them to talk to common man and to experts there who were selected by UFC.
Many important newspapers and magazines, and the news agency UPI, were taken by Bernays’ outstanding contacts to be part of the campaign and they covered positive activities of UFC. The threat on the interests of UFC and ‚Guatemala’s communist infiltration‘ got interwoven; and soon every activity, which was not in the interest of UFC, was suspected to be inspired by communism …“

We have got a hunch where this might lead to … could you take a shortcut?

„U.S.-secretary of foreign affairs, John F. Dulles, formulated it in 1954: ‚The international communism has, for years, looked here and there in America for breeding places. Finally, it selected Guatemala as an official base that would allow spreading subversion into other American republics. This penetration by Soviet despotism was, of course, a challenge to our Monroe-Doctrine, the first and foremost principle of our foreign policy.‘ ...“

A tiny, but meaningful addition: John Foster Dulles had married into your family, Mr. Rockefeller, and he was Chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation’s board!

„... In January 1954, the public did hear about the role of the U.S.A. and its attempt to prepare an invasion. Many documents, which proved the conspiracy, were leaked as facsimiles to the country’s papers. However, the caught government remained cool. The foreign secretariat called it ‚ridiculous and untrue‘, and stated:
‚It is the valid policy of the United States not to intervene in internal affairs of other nations. The present government has confirmed this repeatedly.‘ …
On 18th June 1954, the military part of the intervention started leading to the installation of a new government whose chef was flown in on board the plane of the American ambassador. According to her own assessment, the U.S.A. had prevailed to carry through her ideas of freedom and democratic values, estimated costs: some 20 million dollars.“

Thank you, Herr, Dr. Hippler? Some of our guests may have lost their appetite … there is a chance that some BANANA SPLIT is left. Have a look for it … On this stage, we recommend now:


4 Is Latin America a part of the world, which is condemned to remain poor, and humiliated?
Condemned by whom?
Is it God who is responsible, or nature?
Is it the climate or the inferior race?
The religion, the traditions?
Or is it our misfortune to be product of a history, made by people and therefore changeable by people?

„Quiz-inquiry: What would change if I would replace in my text ‚Latin America‘ with ‚Africa‘?”

Are appearances on this stage not announced anymore? Who is this gentleman?

„Don’t call me that! My blood would freeze in my veins!”


„... Your Dr. Hippler will know: the German translation alone reached its 18th edition; and yes — everybody who wanted to study Latin America’s political economy anywhere in the world, had to read my book …”

Welcome … Señor Eduardo Galeano!

„Thanks … but, you know, I have to welcome you, all of you — on new tracks!”

— ratenco — ratenco — ratenco ...

„Listen carefully! ...”

— ratenco — ratenco — ratenco ...

Again another noise!!

„And another direction! On another continent! An African train rolls through Latin America … you are surprised? Remember my inquiry: what would change if I would replace in my text ‚Latin America‘ with ‚Africa‘?”

CONTROL! We have got an interruption?

Yes, a topical one in the form of an electronic mail. It just came in as a direct reply to Señor Galeano‘s question; the code of the Internet Service Provider hints an African source! The sender wants to remain anonymous for worries about his or her personal security, but attached are a couple of original documents …“

What is the catchword?

Well, it seems to deal with the role of the United States of America in the toppling of regimes in the Southern world, obviously with spot-light on the role of diplomats and the media ...


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